Andy Grossberg

There is a problem with Chrome 29

There is a problem with Chrome v.29 and our toolbar. We are working to fix this issue. Until then you can still navigate via the slider and the small page numbers underneath the toolbar. Thanks for you patience!

Webcomic Outages

Apparently Comic Fury and Drunk Duck webcomic hosting sites are down. If you are trying to read comics hosted on those sites there is a good chance you won’t be able to access them until they restore their service.

Unexpected Comic Rocket Downtime Yesterday

A database issue forced us to take Comic Rocket down yesterday (8/12/13) for an hour. As a result, we didn’t index any comic updates overnight. The crawler is running now and is catching up on the missed updates. Thanks for your patience!

Do You Make Webcomics?

If you make webcomics or if you’re curious about making them, there’s a Kickstarter running for a new book on the topic. Or rather, it’s a follow up to one of the definitive books on the topic, Brad Guigar’s How to Make Webcomics (read Fleen’s review!). You can buy the book on Amazon still. The …

Do You Make Webcomics? Read More »

Metrics are Go!

It’s a little early for me to be typing this but I can’t contain my excitement. Comic Rocket is almost ready to launch its metrics tools that we’ve codenamed The Genie. The purpose of this package is to help creators get more readers, monitor their success, and maybe even make a little money. The Genie …

Metrics are Go! Read More »

Comic Rocket Android Beta 3

Hey Everyone! The third beta release of Comic Rocket’s Android app is ready! That means more fixes and features in response to user comments! Here are the latest Beta version 3 release notes: Fixed login using Twitter and Facebook. Pretty buttons added! Keep only one “Explore” and one “My Comics” activity open at a time. …

Comic Rocket Android Beta 3 Read More »